A drop: Rishi in the rain. Photo: Getty Images


In a secure bunker deep under the Thames

The Supreme Leader marshals his final battle plan.

He is surrounded by his High Command.

On the map, he points at a massed group of flags.

“We will counterattack Marshal Von Starmer’s armoured column

With an overwhelming show of force here!”

“Alas, O Leader,” mumbles his General,

“Our divisions have been eliminated.”

“Damn. Are these yellow flags ours?”

“No, My Leader. Our old allies the LibDems have betrayed us.”

“Traitors!” Snarls the Supreme Leader.

“Hmmm. What’s this then?”

He asks about a small bicycle placed on Islington.

“Corbynite irregulars have taken the allotments,”

Advises a cowering officer.

“In that case, we will conscript the Youth!”

Shouts the Supreme Leader.

“The Youth have turned against us,”

Whispers an ashen faced minion.

The Supreme Leader sweeps the map from the table

And draws himself up in a towering rage.

“We shall go on to the end!” proclaims The Leader.

“Whatever the cost may be,

We shall fight on the beaches,

We shall fight on the landing grounds,

We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,

We shall fight in the hills;

We shall never surrender!”

There is complete silence.

The Leader looks around.

The bunker is empty.

The door is swinging gently in the breeze.

In the distance

Comes a squeaking sound:

The Armoured Columns of Marshal Von Starmer

Approaching the outskirts of London.

 Victor Billot has previously felt moved to compose Odes to Shane Jones,   David Seymour,  and Julie Anne Genter. 

Victor Billot is a Dunedin writer. He is the author of the poetry collection The Sets (Otago University Press, 2020), and writes a weekly satirical Ode each Sunday for Newsroom.

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