Opinion: Happy new years do not start like this. The first few weeks of 2024 served as a reminder that the geopolitical situation is at its most dangerous in decades. As if we needed reminding.

Admiral Rob Bauer, the chair of Nato’s Military Committee, warned last week that Nato must prepare for war with Russia within 20 years.

A day later, Germany’s defence minister, Boris Pistorius, chimed in to one-up Admiral Bauer. In a newspaper interview, Pistorius said: “Our experts expect a period of five to eight years in which this [a Russian attack] could be possible.”

Amid this speculation on when World War III might break out, let’s not forget the current conflicts already wreaking havoc. The war between Russia and Ukraine, nearing its second anniversary, continues unabated. The Israeli war against Hamas looks likely to continue for months, with every possibility of the conflict spreading beyond the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. Meanwhile, we wonder whether China will act on its rhetoric about Taiwan.

Atomic scientists had plenty of reasons to set their Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds before midnight – the closest it has ever been. Sadly, that does not appear to be an exaggeration.

The most precarious security situation is in Europe. The events of the last 10 years should have woken Europe from its delusion that war is a thing of the past and that the US will always save the day.

Instead, the continent has wasted the past decade preparing for a scenario where neither of these assumptions applies.

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Crimea in 2014 and the de facto occupation of the Donbas should have shattered any illusions Western Europe may have harboured about him. In fact, since he first became Prime Minister in 1999, Putin’s behaviour should not have led anyone to see him as a stability-oriented and rules-adhering leader. But at the very latest, his invasion of Crimea against all international law made it clear he was posing a military threat to Europe’s post-Cold War order.

But what was Europe’s response? Not much. There were a few meaningless sanctions, Russia’s removal from the G8, and attempts to continue to talk with the Kremlin. The world had no problem participating in the men’s FIFA World Cup hosted by Russia in 2018 as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, Europe would have had good reasons to consider its reliance on the US for its defence. And it did not.

After World War II, the US guaranteed the security of Western Europe. In fact, Western Europe’s acceptance of liberal democracy would have been significantly harder without the Marshall Plan.

To put it bluntly, Western Europe’s post-war success owed a great deal to the United States. The US helped put Europe on the path to democracy and trade, and the US secured that path militarily through Nato.

But if that was the model for those nearly five decades after World War II, the end of the first Cold War in 1989 reduced American interest in Europe and later led to its pivot to the Pacific.

With that shift in attitude, more questions were asked about Europe’s contribution to its own defence. First, these questions were raised politely behind closed doors, then less politely in public. Finally, the demand for Europe to lift its defence spending became a key talking point for Donald Trump.

When Trump became president in 2017, for the first time since 1945 Western Europe found itself in a broad, open confrontation with the US – not just on defence spending but even on trade.

Again, this should have been a wake-up call for Europe. Trump’s thinly veiled threat to leave Nato – and to leave the Europeans alone – should have been taken seriously. Instead, Europe hoped that the Trump episode would be over after just one term, and that wish seemed to become true when Biden won the 2020 US election.

Europe never thought it would have to stand alone when it came to its defence. And when Putin attacked the whole of Ukraine in 2022, once again, all eyes were on Washington.

It was not just that the US became by far the biggest supporter of Ukraine, it was also that European countries were not even prepared to donate their military equipment to Ukraine unless the US went along. Germany, for example, still tries to minimise irritating Moscow by only delivering its military aid in tandem with the US.

But the Ukraine war also delivered a reality shock to Europe’s defence capacity. On the day of Putin’s invasion, the head of the German army posted on LinkedIn “The army I have the privilege of leading is more or less bare.” Indeed, German media at the time suggested that ammunition stocks would last somewhere between a few hours and a few days in an all-out conflict.

Although two years is not a long time, one would have expected Germany and other European countries to urgently raise their military capacity to match the now-evident Russian threat. In reality, not much has changed since then.

As long as Nato – in effect, the US – maintains its nuclear umbrella and its unwavering commitment to the defence of the alliance, Europe’s shortcomings in defence might be viewed as concerning but not catastrophic.

Yet, as the Iowa primary made clear, Trump is likely to be the Republican candidate for the White House. There is every indication he will retake it from President Joe Biden in the November election.

For Europe’s defence, this political shift would be an all-out catastrophe. Where Trump Mark 1 only threatened with words, Trump Mark 2 would follow up with action. Should he return to the presidency, Nato would likely be shattered, regardless of whether it continues to exist.

Putin would then be encouraged to continue his military expansion. In his rhetoric, he is already signalling his ambitions.

He stated last week, for instance, that Latvia and other Baltic states were expelling ethnic Russians and that this directly affected the security of the Russian state. You do not need an interpreter to read this as a justification for a future war.

As 2024 begins, Europe finds itself in parlous security conditions. It has been a decade since Putin took parts of Ukraine by force, but Europe still does not fully understand the threat it faces. Meanwhile, the US will likely leave Europe on its own should Trump win later this year. In that case, Europe’s own military capacity would be inadequate to engage in an all-out war with Russia. It is only natural for Putin to see this weakness as an invitation.

No, 2024 did not get off to a good start for world peace. The irony is that the only deterrent to a full-scale European war escalating into a third world war might be America’s reluctance to intervene.

Happy New Year. If only.

As executive director of the business-funded New Zealand Initiative think-tank, Dr Oliver Hartwich specialises in taxation, economics and international relations.

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  1. I suspect that WW3 is far more likely if Trump get to be President again. Putin has already woken Europe up and they are ramping up already and even in its present state Europe would be more than a challenge for Russia in a conventional war. It is probable that the US/NATO has deterred Poland from joining in already and if things start to get worse in Ukraine and the US does it Trumpian thing the rest of Europe is likely to step in and that is when things will start to spiral out of control. If Russia was confronting a well equipped modern airforce he would have been tossed out of Ukraine long ago. Then it is likely that the US will; be pulled back in. I also wonder if Trump would last a full term – I suspect he will be so irrational and corrupt that much of the US might start to come to its senses. What ever the scenario, the next couple of years will be interesting ones to put it mildly.

  2. Aaah – the drumbeats of war are beginning to sound around the world. People increasingly see the world as polarized, us and them, good and bad. The others are always at fault, and we could not do better. Fear is provoked, the warmongers call on more arms, the military alliances gain more power and the military-industrial complex more profits – on all sides.
    Isn’t it strange that the world spends trillions of dollars developing more and more powerful ways of killing each other and destroying infrastructures, yet those developing new and better ways of resolving conflict and cooperating with each other get very little?
    Yes, there are threats and we must respond to them. But are we sure that becoming as militaristic and threatening as our enemies is the best way to make a better world? Next month NZ will be visited by John Reuwer who specialises in constructive responses to violence. Watch out for him, he just might bring some useful ideas. Check out the NZ book by Leonard, Llewellyn and Jackson on Abolishing the Military: Arguments and Alternatives .

    Also, we need to remember that the threats that we face go far beyond the rockets and bombs of presumed enemies. Climate change and species extinction are just the start of a mass of threats generated by our complex world. Consider Artificial Intelligence, unaccountable power of extreme wealth, mis-information, and a host of other dysfunctions that we desperately need cooperation between nations to address. We have far more to lose from failure of cooperation that we do from the games people play with destruction.

    We need to patch up out differences and concentrate on making this world livable.

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