This Friday morning, our team at Newsroom expected to be publishing the first of Rod Oram’s new longer, more in-depth columns, focused on transcending our short-termism and our social and political divides.

Instead, we will be farewelling him at a celebration of his life, at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell, Auckland.

Rod’s wife Lynn, daughter Celeste and their family invite his friends and those who know him through his work to join them at 11am on Friday, either in person at the cathedral (please consider taking public transport or cycling!) or on a livestream at the following link. 

● Friday 11am livestream here

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  1. Thank you for sharing the link
    We watched from far far away
    It was a beautiful and deeply moving commemoration
    Rod’s expertise, inquisitiveness, optimism, big brain, energy and deep deep sense of humanity came across brilliantly.

  2. I appreciated very much being able to watch the livestream later in the day. Thank you Jonathan for your moving account of Rod’s working life and the integrity which governed everything he did.
    How we miss his wonderful presence.

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